RPG utilizes the services of PenChecks Trust as a distribution agent for Force Out distributions. 

Following your separation from service, if the vested balance of your retirement account (excluding rollovers) does not exceed $7,000, and you do not request a distribution from your account, your vested Account balance will be automatically transferred to an IRA established in your name. You will receive a notice by mail (from PenChecks Trust) alerting you to the pending “force- out” which will occur within 45 days. The notice will include instructions on how to submit a benefit election and withdraw/rollover your assets. Your designated beneficiaries (if any) may receive similar notices requesting their assistance in contacting you. If PenChecks Trust does not receive a response, your assets will be invested in an IRA designed to preserve principal and provide a reasonable rate of return and liquidity. All fees and expenses related to the establishment of the IRA and expenses incurred after the IRA is established will be deducted from the IRA. Your assets will be registered with the National Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits.