
Do I need to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) this year?
You are eligible to receive an RMD if you are 73 years of age or older by year-end and you are either a) no longer employed by the organization sponsoring y...
Tue, 3 Jan, 2023 at 3:14 PM
Can I take money out of my retirement account at any time?
If you are currently employed by the Plan's Sponsor, your Plan provisions may allow for the following three withdrawal options (these are not availab...
Tue, 12 Dec, 2023 at 4:48 PM
Can I take a partial distribution if I am no longer employed?
Your Plan does not permit partial account balance distributions. Your distribution request must be for the lump sum balance of your account. You may, howeve...
Thu, 4 Jun, 2020 at 12:40 AM
Automatic IRA Rollovers/”Force-Outs” - Who is Penchecks Trust?
RPG utilizes the services of PenChecks Trust as a distribution agent for Force Out distributions.  Following your separation from service, if the vested...
Tue, 23 Jul, 2024 at 11:37 AM
What is the distribution timeline for a Plan with an Annual Valuation?
Unlike a Plan with daily recordkeeping, annual valuation plans calculate each participant’s share of the total account balance only once a year. Distributio...
Fri, 10 Feb, 2023 at 12:58 PM

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